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Version: 1.0.1

BLE Interface

Smart Sensor exposes sensor values by using the BLE GATT Environmental Sensing Service (ES) and their assigned numbers.

Here are the UUIDs that Smart Sensor exposes:

Environmental Sensing (Service)0x181AStandard-
Temperature0x2A6EStandardRead, Notify
Humidity0x2A6FStandardRead, Notify
Illuminance0x2AFBStandardRead, Notify
VOC Concentration0x2BE7StandardRead, Notify
Noise0x2BE4StandardRead, Notify
CO20x5539RandomRead, Notify
Presence0x5540RandomRead, Notify
LED Animations (Service)0x5541Random-
Sensor Colour Scheme0x5542RandomRead, Write
Demonstration Animation0x5543RandomRead, Write
Device Information (Service)0x180AStandard-
Manufacturer Name0x2A29StandardRead
Model Number String0x2A24StandardRead
Serial Number String0x2A25StandardRead
Hardware Revision String0x2A27StandardRead
Firmware Revision String0x2A26StandardRead
Production Date0x7A76RandomRead

Environmental Sensing service has Temperature, Humidity, Illuminance, VOC Concentration, Noise, Presence and CO2 characteristics. These characteristics have read and notify properties.

LED Animations service has Sensor Colour Scheme and Demonstration Animation characteristics. These characteristics have write and read properties.

Device Information service has Manufacturer Name, Model Number String, Serial Number String, Hardware Revision String, Firmware Revision String, and Production Date characteristics. These characteristics have read properties.